The Writings of Reb Joey Rosenfeld
להפך חושך לאור, מרירו למתיקו
With the departure of the holy wholeness of Shabbos, with the removal of the surplus transcendent soul, we are faced with the task, the command to once again refigure ourselves in the mundane, exilic nature of the lowly week…
קם רבה ושחט רב זירא
As human beings we are endowed with a sense of intellect, the ability to discern the various elements which make up our phenomenological experiences. This intellectual prowess is the essential aspect that categorizes us as rational beings in contra-distinction to animals, irrational and beastly in nature.
The Coincidence of Opposites
There are two types of lack.There is the hole in something which should be whole, and there is the void, the absence, which nothing should, or could fill.The hole, or the break drives us to find a solution, a reparative response. It calls for action…
To Be and Not to Be
Deep question, one of the best.For the sake of our poetic depth we ignore the glaring suicidal sentiment as we place Hamlet’s words at the top of our storehouse of inspirational literary quotes taken out of context…
I asked for wonder
On the brink of despair, beyond the point of hope, there the redemption begins. We live within our self-prescribed, self-imposed boundaries, separating the possible from the impossible, the real from the symbolic and imaginary…
The Baal Shem Tov and Freud
The Baal Shem Tov, in one of his most radical teachings, often quoted and quite often interpreted in an overly simplistic fashion, explains that the deficiencies and smallness that we perceive in the other, and the other’s other are but a reverberating light of our own incompleteness…
“And it was very good”
For some individuals, life, living, being only becomes significant when things are difficult. The difficulties they search for, they yearn for are not the daily mishaps and shakeups, it’s not the traffic or the loud neighbors that so often cloud the mindset of even the most positive thinkers…
From a Distance He Appeared to Me
Avraham heard the call of God in a strange land. Moshe saw the Presence of God, the impossible possibility in the wilderness of an alien land. Yechezkel envisioned the holy chariot, the secret of the secret on the banks of a foreign river. Rash”bi understood the light of the inner chambers in the cave of exile…
Wholeness through the Hole
For the sake of balance, every-thing contains within itself, dormant, hidden in potentiality the manifestation of its oppositional force, it’s other, the echo of the otherwise.
Orderly Disorder
To begin, to appear, to open the night of remembering, of a memory so ancient, so exterior, a memory of the immemorial, with the hospitality of welcoming, inviting all those wandering errant, lost, and homeless, brings to mind a certain question.
A Chabad Meditation
The soul, the inner undefinable essence of a human being is ineffable. Immanently-transcendent, the soul’s presence is sensed but remains evasive in the ever present attempt to signify it’s un-significance.
Infinite Desire
The temporal consistency of a past which empties out into a present whose eyes are gazing towards a future enables us to rest assured. The promise of times continuum, the organized order of progress gives us the capability of embarking on our daily routine without the rumbling threat of disorder.
The Anxiety of Alienation
In the wilderness of daily living, where the forces of ‘outside’ and ‘external’ swirl and seek to devour our fragile sense of wholeness, we retreat to the familiar…
The Dwelling
When conjuring up feelings or warmth and safety we imagine our homes. The concrete edificies which man has utilized to protect themselves from the extremes of the outside signifies the utilitarian nature of the human be-ings manipulation and control of inanimate objects.
The Ancient Way Within the Sea
The pathways we walk, the passageways we wander in hopes of arriving at the telos of our lives, are often littered with interruptions. Translated into spacial terms, the beginning of a year corresponds to the culmination of a journey.
Freud and Return
At the outset of his psychological excavations, Freud believed that all disruptive trauma came to the subject from without. Violent intrusion from the outside produced what he perceived as malignant development. Freud named his early theoretical construct The Seduction Theory.
Etzem/Gillui Essence/Re-rresentation
All phenomena- aesthetic, temporal or spacial, carry within themselves a kaleidoscope of description. To distinguish the kernel of essence from the manifold re/presentations of the essence, is to experience the event in-and-of-itself.
The Concealed Light
We have not ceased to wander. To err. To be interrupted. From the initial dispersal, through the present murmur of perpetual homesickness, we have forgotten. We have forgotten, forgetting the memory of home.
(E)facing the Face - The Body of the Text
The body, heavily weighed by physiological needs, falls beneath the slow sway of temporal binds. The body grows and ages, and what was once new deteriorates and crumbles…
Speaking Not / Not Speaking
To write with/in the margins of coherent thought, is to in/scribe the in/sight of that which is perceived. Operating from inside the closed system, deviation from the pre/scribed (always already written) process is seen as transgression.